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Where Are Audio Files Saved on iPhone?

In today's digital world, audio files have become an integral part of our lives. Whether it's music, voice memos, podcasts, audiobooks, or even custom ringtone files, audio plays a significant role in how we consume content and express ourselves. For iPhone users, it's important to know where these audio files are saved to effectively manage, access, and organize them. In this article, we will explore where audio files are stored on an iPhone and provide tips for managing them efficiently.

Apr 20, 2020

What are Audio Files?

Audio files are digital recordings that contain sound and can be played back through various devices or software. They come in different formats, such as MP3, WAV, AAC, and more. Audio files can be created and consumed for various purposes, including entertainment, communication, and education.

On iPhones, audio files are a crucial part of the multimedia experience. From listening to your favorite music tracks to recording important voice memos, audio files help enhance the functionality and usability of the device.

Different Types of Audio Files on an iPhone

There are several types of audio files that you may encounter on your iPhone. Understanding these categories will help you locate and manage them more effectively. Here are the main types of audio files found on an iPhone:

Music Files

When it comes to music, iPhones have the built-in Music app, which allows you to listen to your favorite songs and albums. Music files are typically stored in the Music app and can be streamed or downloaded for offline listening. The Music app offers various organizational features, such as playlists, albums, and artists, to help you find and enjoy your music library.

Voice Memos

The Voice Memos app on your iPhone lets you record audio snippets, notes, or even entire conversations. These recordings are saved as voice memos and can be accessed and managed within the app. Voice memos are useful for capturing ideas, reminders, or important discussions.


Podcasts have gained tremendous popularity in recent years, offering a wide range of audio content on various topics. On iPhones, the Podcasts app allows you to subscribe to and listen to your favorite podcasts. Podcast files are stored within the app, and you can easily search for and access episodes from different shows.


For book lovers, iPhones provide access to a vast collection of audiobooks. These files are typically acquired through the Apple Books app or other online platforms. Audiobooks can be downloaded and listened to directly within the app, ensuring that your reading experience is not limited to just physical or e-book formats.

Ringtone Files

Customizing your iPhone's ringtone is a fun way to personalize your device. Ringtone files can be created or downloaded and are stored within the device's settings. You can assign different ringtones to specific contacts, ensuring that you know who's calling even before picking up your phone.

Read More: How to Edit Audio Files on iPhone

How iPhone Stores Audio Files

To understand where audio files are saved on an iPhone, it's important to have a basic understanding of how data is stored on the device. iPhones utilize a file system that organizes data into specific locations to ensure efficient access and management.

iPhone's File System

The file system used by iPhones is not directly accessible to users, as Apple designed the device to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. Instead, iOS provides various apps and interfaces that enable you to interact with data stored in different locations.

The primary purpose of this design is to simplify the user experience and prevent accidental deletion or damage to critical system files. Although you can't directly access the file system like you would on a traditional computer, the iOS ecosystem provides ways to manage and access different types of files effectively.

Read More: How to Access Files on iPhone

Dispersal of Audio Files in Various Apps

Now that we understand the underlying file system of iPhones, let's explore where audio files are stored within different apps on the device.

  • Music files are primarily saved within the Music app. You can access your entire music library, create playlists, and organize your songs within this dedicated app.

  • Voice memos, once recorded, are saved within the Voice Memos app. This app provides a simple interface to manage and play back your recorded memos.

  • Podcasts are stored within the Podcasts app. Here, you can subscribe to your favorite shows, download episodes, and listen to them at your convenience.

  • Audiobooks are typically accessed through the Apple Books app. Once downloaded, you can find them within the app and start listening right away.

  • Ringtone files can be found within the device's settings. By navigating to the "Sounds & Haptics" section, you can select and manage the custom ringtones available on your device.

How to Access Your Audio Files

Now that we know where audio files are stored on an iPhone, let's discuss how to access them. The process varies slightly depending on the type of audio file you want to retrieve.

Accessing Music Files

  1. Open the Music app on your iPhone.

  2. Tap on the "Library" tab at the bottom.

  3. You will see different categories like Playlists, Artists, Albums, and Songs. Tap on the desired category to view and access your music files.

Accessing Voice Memos

  1. Launch the Voice Memos app on your iPhone.

  2. You will find a list of recorded voice memos. Tap on the desired memo to play it back or tap on the ellipsis (three dots) to access more options like sharing or deleting the memo.

Accessing Podcasts

  1. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone.

  2. At the bottom, you will see different sections like Listen Now, Library, Browse, and Search. Tap on the "Library" tab.

  3. Within the Library section, you will find your subscribed shows, downloaded episodes, and other options for managing your podcast collection.

Accessing Audiobooks

  1. Launch the Apple Books app on your iPhone.

  2. Tap on the "Library" tab at the bottom.

  3. You will see different categories like Reading Now, Library, Book Store, and Search. Tap on the "Library" tab to browse and access your downloaded audiobooks.

Accessing Ringtone Files

  1. Go to the "Settings" app on your iPhone.

  2. Scroll down and tap on "Sounds & Haptics."

  3. In the "Sounds and Vibration Patterns" section, you will find various options like Ringtone, Text Tone, and more. Tap on "Ringtone."

  4. Here, you can select the desired ringtone from the available options or choose a custom ringtone that you have stored on your device.

Read more: How to Play Audio Files on iPhone

Tips for Managing Audio Files in iPhone

Efficiently managing your audio files on an iPhone can save you time and provide a better user experience. Here are some tips to help you organize and utilize your audio library effectively:

How to Delete Audio Files

  • To delete individual music tracks, swipe left on the song in the Music app and tap on "Delete."

  • For voice memos, open the Voice Memos app, swipe left on the memo, and tap on the trash bin icon.

  • In the Podcasts app, you can swipe left on downloaded episodes and tap on "Remove" to delete them.

  • To remove audiobooks, go to the Apple Books app, tap on "Library," find the book cover, swipe left, and select "Delete."

  • Custom ringtone files can be deleted by going to the "Settings" app, selecting "Sounds & Haptics," and tapping on "Ringtone." From there, choose the ringtone you want to delete and swipe left, then tap on "Delete."

How to Organize Audio Files

  • Utilize playlists in the Music app to create custom collections of songs.

  • Use folders in the Voice Memos app to categorize and organize your recorded memos effectively.

  • In the Podcasts app, create custom playlists or use the "Up Next" feature to queue episodes for seamless playback.

  • The Apple Books app allows you to organize audiobooks by creating shelves or collections within your library.

  • Create custom ringtone folders on your computer and use iTunes or third-party software to manage and organize your custom ringtone files.

How to Backup Audio Files

Backing up your audio files is essential to prevent data loss. Here are a few methods to backup your audio files on an iPhone:

  • Regularly back up your device using iCloud or iTunes to ensure all your audio files are secure.

  • Use cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive to upload your audio files for additional backup and accessibility on multiple devices.

  • Consider using third-party apps or services that specialize in iOS device backups, such as SlikSafe, which provides secure and encrypted backup solutions for iPhones.

Third-Party Apps for Better Audio File Management

While iPhones come with built-in apps for accessing and managing audio files, there are also third-party apps available to enhance your audio file management experience. One such app is SlikSafe, which offers various features and advantages for efficiently managing audio files:

  • SlikSafe provides a secure storage solution for your audio files, ensuring their privacy and protecting them from unauthorized access.

  • With end-to-end encryption, SlikSafe ensures that your audio files are securely stored and remain confidential.

  • The app offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive features to help you organize and access your audio library efficiently.


Knowing where audio files are saved on your iPhone is crucial for effectively managing and organizing your digital audio library. Whether it's music, voice memos, podcasts, audiobooks, or custom ringtone files, understanding the different locations where these files are stored allows for better access and control over your audio content. By following the tips provided and exploring the use of third-party apps like SlikSafe, you can ensure that your audio experience on the iPhone is seamless, secure, and enjoyable.


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