About Us

Our Founding Story

The Finder was first launched with the Macintosh in 1984 by Steve Jobs. It has since gone through a few rewrites, the latest being in 2001 with the release of MacOS X. 

Though it has been rewritten, it has not been reimagined as per the needs of 2023. We have our files, our photos, our documents across multiple devices on macOS, iOS, web and we need them on the go. We don’t always have just one place of presence on the web, we have a personal profile and a work profile. And for some people, it is much more complex than that. 

The so-called apps that are called smart file syncing apps of today, do just baby software. They provide syncing across devices, but they’re slow and clunky. God bless you if you're in a subway or away from the internet. And privacy is a foreign concept to them, where your user data is taken for granted.

Let us talk about Privacy for a moment, how does it work? When you backup your files, say your social security number or your driver's license, or your marriage certificate or similar, that data is not encrypted as it is transferred to the company servers. That means if someone from the company decided to read your data, they can. 

My wife and I started working on Slik Safe, with one objective. If I can send a chat over Signal that is end-to-end encrypted, why can’t we do that for all files at scale. Small or large, a few or all. Like all end-to-end encryption apps, even if we tried, we would not be able to scan your data in a million years. How does that work? Bowy, we made it open and public. So that everyone can have a look at the algorithm, and build more apps in the space or build with us. 

The finder has multiple things that are missing today. We have multiple drive accounts, and multiple Dropbox accounts, Box accounts and more. However, how do we search through them? It is a nightmare. Takes forever, and needs multiple browser tabs. We all know what happens next.

The Finder was first launched with the Macintosh in 1984 by Steve Jobs. It has since gone through a few rewrites, the latest being in 2001 with the release of MacOS X. 

Though it has been rewritten, it has not been reimagined as per the needs of 2023. We have our files, our photos, our documents across multiple devices on macOS, iOS, web and we need them on the go. We don’t always have just one place of presence on the web, we have a personal profile and a work profile. And for some people, it is much more complex than that. 

The so-called apps that are called smart file syncing apps of today, do just baby software. They provide syncing across devices, but they’re slow and clunky. God bless you if you're in a subway or away from the internet. And privacy is a foreign concept to them, where your user data is taken for granted.

Let us talk about Privacy for a moment, how does it work? When you backup your files, say your social security number or your driver's license, or your marriage certificate or similar, that data is not encrypted as it is transferred to the company servers. That means if someone from the company decided to read your data, they can. 

My wife and I started working on Slik Safe, with one objective. If I can send a chat over Signal that is end-to-end encrypted, why can’t we do that for all files at scale. Small or large, a few or all. Like all end-to-end encryption apps, even if we tried, we would not be able to scan your data in a million years. How does that work? Bowy, we made it open and public. So that everyone can have a look at the algorithm, and build more apps in the space or build with us. 

The finder has multiple things that are missing today. We have multiple drive accounts, and multiple Dropbox accounts, Box accounts and more. However, how do we search through them? It is a nightmare. Takes forever, and needs multiple browser tabs. We all know what happens next.