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How to Save Google Docs to Files on iPhone

Google Docs has become one of the most popular tools for document creation and collaboration. With its cloud-based features and accessibility across various devices, Google Docs has become an essential tool for many users. However, there may be instances when you want to save a Google Doc as a file on your iPhone for various reasons such as accessibility, backup, or offline use. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to save Google Docs to Files on an iPhone in markdown format.

Sep 27, 2023

Why Saving Google Docs to Files on an iPhone is Useful

Before we dive into the process, let's discuss why saving Google Docs to Files on an iPhone can be beneficial. Firstly, it allows you to access your documents even without internet connectivity. Secondly, saving Google Docs as files provides an additional backup option in case of any unexpected data loss or system issues. Moreover, saving Google Docs as files gives you the flexibility to share and work on the documents using various apps that support markdown format.

To understand the importance of saving Google Docs to Files on an iPhone, consider the following scenario. Imagine you are traveling on a flight without access to the internet. Suddenly, an idea strikes you, and you want to work on your document. By saving the Google Doc as a file on your iPhone, you can continue working on it using a markdown editor app, ensuring uninterrupted productivity.

Understanding Google Docs and Files App

Before we proceed with the step-by-step guide, let's provide a brief overview of Google Docs and the Files app that comes pre-installed on iPhones.

Google Docs is a cloud-based document creation and collaboration tool offered by Google. It allows users to create, edit, and store documents online. Users can access their Google Docs from any device with an internet connection. Google Docs supports various formats, including markdown, providing a seamless experience for users who prefer this format for document creation.

On the other hand, the Files app is a native file management application available on iPhones. It allows users to manage files, create folders, and access various cloud storage services like iCloud Drive, Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox, among others. The Files app provides a unified interface to browse, search, and organize all the files on your iPhone.

Step-by-step Guide on Saving Google Docs to Files on iPhone

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of saving Google Docs to Files on an iPhone. Follow these instructions carefully, and refer to the screenshots below to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 1: Opening Google Docs on iPhone

  1. Launch the Google Docs app on your iPhone. If you haven't installed the app, you can download it from the App Store.

  2. Sign in using your Google account credentials.

Step 2: Locating and Selecting the Required Document

  1. Once you are logged in, you will see a list of your saved documents.

  2. Locate and select the document you want to save as a file.

Step 3: Exporting the Document

  1. Tap on the three-dot menu icon located at the top-right corner of the document screen.

  2. From the menu options, select "Export."

Step 4: Selecting the Save to Files Option

  1. A list of export options will appear. Scroll down and select "Save as Markdown."

  2. You will be prompted with the sharing options screen.

Step 5: Choosing the Right Location within the Files App

  1. Tap on the "Save to Files" icon to proceed.

  2. The Files app will open, displaying different locations and options for saving the file.

  3. Choose the desired folder or location where you want to save the file. You can create a new folder if needed.

  4. Once you have selected the location, tap on the "Add" button.

Step 6: Saving the Document

  1. After tapping on "Add," the export process will start.

  2. The Google Doc will be saved as a markdown file in the selected location within the Files app.

  3. You can now access the saved file directly from the Files app.

It's essential to address potential issues that might occur during the process. If you encounter any difficulties while exporting or saving the document, ensure that you have a stable internet connection and sufficient storage space on your iPhone. If the issue persists, try signing out and signing back into the Google Docs app or reinstalling it if necessary.

Tips and Tricks for Managing Google Docs in Files App

Once you have successfully saved your Google Docs as files within the Files app, it's helpful to know a few tips and tricks for efficient management. Here are some tips:

  1. Organize your files: Create folders in the Files app and categorize your saved Google Docs accordingly. This will help you find and locate specific documents easily.

  2. Share and collaborate: Use the sharing functionality within the Files app to collaborate with others on your saved Google Docs. You can share files via email or other communication apps installed on your iPhone.

  3. Delete unwanted files: Regularly review and delete any files you no longer need to free up storage space on your iPhone. To delete a file, simply swipe left on it within the Files app and tap on the "Delete" button.

Importing and Managing Google Docs in the Slik Safe App

The Slik Safe app is another great tool for managing Google Docs on your iPhone. While the Files app provides native file management capabilities, Slik Safe offers advanced features that make handling Google Docs even more convenient.

How to Import Google Docs into the Slik Safe App

Follow these steps to import your Google Docs into the Slik Safe app:

  1. Open the Slik Safe app on your iPhone. If you haven't installed the app, you can download it from the App Store.

  2. Tap on the "+" icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  3. From the options, select "Import from Google Docs."

  4. You will be prompted to sign in to your Google account. Enter your credentials to proceed.

  5. Once logged in, you will see a list of your Google Docs. Select the ones you want to import and tap "Import."

Your Google Docs will now be imported into the Slik Safe app and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

Managing Google Docs in the Slik Safe App

Once your Google Docs are imported, you can manage them directly in the Slik Safe app. Here are some features that make Slik Safe stand out:

  1. Enhanced Security: Slik Safe provides advanced security features to keep your Google Docs secure. It offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your documents are safe from unauthorized access.

  2. Easy Organization: Slik Safe allows you to create folders and subfolders, making it easier to organize your Google Docs. You can also add tags to your documents for quick and easy search.

  3. Collaboration Features: With Slik Safe, you can share your Google Docs with others directly from the app. You can also set access permissions, allowing you to control who can view or edit your documents.

  4. Offline Access: Just like the Files app, Slik Safe also allows you to access your Google Docs offline. However, it offers a more streamlined user interface, making it easier to navigate through your documents.

  5. Automatic Sync: Slik Safe syncs your Google Docs across all your devices automatically. This means that any changes you make on one device will reflect on all your other devices.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While the process of saving Google Docs to Files on an iPhone is generally straightforward, you may encounter some common issues. Here are the solutions to a few potential problems:

  1. Internet connectivity issues: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to access and save Google Docs as files.

  2. Insufficient storage space: If your iPhone's storage is full, you may not be able to save the file. Delete unnecessary files or free up space by transferring files to cloud storage or a computer.

  3. Syncing problems: If you are unable to see the latest changes in your Google Docs or the exported file, try syncing the Google Docs app or refreshing the Files app.


In this article, we provided a comprehensive guide on how to save Google Docs to Files on an iPhone in markdown format. By following the step-by-step process, you can ensure offline access, backup, and seamless collaboration for your Google Docs. Remember to manage your files efficiently within the Files app and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. Utilize the power of Google Docs and the convenience of the Files app on your iPhone to enhance your productivity and document management.

External Resources

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