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Backup OST File: Ensuring Data Security and Accessibility

In modern mailing systems, an OST (Offline Storage Table) file plays a crucial role in ensuring uninterrupted access to emails, calendars, contacts, and other data even when the user is offline. It helps synchronize changes made to the mailbox with the mail server once the user reconnects to the internet.

Sep 19, 2020

Deep-Dive into OST Files

While OST files are designed to provide local access to mailbox data, unforeseen events such as accidental deletion, corruption, or hardware failure can lead to data loss. To mitigate such risks and ensure data security, it is crucial to create regular backups of the OST file.

A. Definition and Detailed Explanation of OST Files

OST files are a replica of a user's mailbox stored on the Exchange Server. They enable users to access their mailbox data even in offline mode by synchronizing changes with the server upon reconnection.

B. Role of OST Files in Mailing Systems

OST files enable users to work seamlessly by providing access to emails, contacts, calendars, and other data even without an internet connection. They are especially useful for individuals who frequently travel or have unreliable internet connectivity.

C. Difference between OST vs. PST Files

While OST files are used in offline mode and provide access to mailbox data, PST (Personal Storage Table) files are used in online mode and store data locally. OST files allow for synchronization with the mail server, while PST files are suitable for archiving.

The Necessity to Backup OST File

A. Accidental Deletion or Corruption of OST Files

Accidental deletion or corruption of the OST files can result in the permanent loss of important data. Regular backups ensure that if such incidents occur, the data can be easily recovered.

B. Migration of Data

During migrations between email platforms or upgrading to a new system, creating a backup of OST files ensures seamless transition without the risk of losing valuable data.

C. Archiving Emails

Backing up OST files helps in archiving older emails, freeing up mailbox space while retaining access to historical data.

D. Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failures are not uncommon, and they can lead to the loss of valuable OST files. Regular backups protect against such hardware failures, allowing for quick data recovery.

E. Data Security

Creating backups of OST files adds an extra layer of security. In the event of a security breach or data tampering, having a backup allows users to restore their mailbox to a known safe state.

Steps to Create a Backup of OST File

A. Using Outlook’s In-built Import/Export Feature

Outlook provides a built-in import/export feature that enables users to export OST files to a separate location, creating a backup copy. This feature ensures an easy and straightforward backup process.

B. Using the Archive Feature in Outlook

Outlook's Archive feature allows users to create backups of older mailbox items, reducing the size of the OST file and improving overall performance. Archiving important emails ensures their safety while optimizing mailbox storage.

C. Using Third-party Tools like Slik Safe

Third-party tools like Slik Safe provide comprehensive and reliable backup solutions for OST files. They offer additional features such as scheduling backups, incremental backups, and cloud storage options for added convenience and security.

Factors to Consider when Backing up OST Files

A. Frequency of the Backup

The frequency of backups depends on the importance of the data and the rate of change in the mailbox. Critical data should be backed up regularly to minimize the risk of data loss.

B. Storage Space

Since OST files can be quite large, it is essential to consider the available storage space for backups. Cloud storage or external drives can be utilized to ensure sufficient capacity for backups.

C. Security Aspects

When choosing backup solutions, it is crucial to prioritize data security. Encryption and secure storage options offered by third-party tools can help protect the backed-up OST files from unauthorized access.


A. Summarizing the Importance of Backing up OST Files

Creating backups of OST files is crucial to prevent data loss, maintain productivity, and ensure data security. Regular backup processes protect against accidental deletion, corruption, hardware failures, and security breaches.

B. Stress on Regular Backup to Avoid Data Loss

To avoid the detrimental impacts of data loss, users should prioritize regular backups of OST files. Proactive measures can save significant time, effort, and potential complications in the future.

C. Encouraging Users to Use Third-Party Tools for Effortless Backups

While Outlook provides some backup features, utilizing third-party tools like Slik Safe can enhance the backup process with additional features and a more user-friendly interface.


For users interested in reliable and efficient backup solutions for OST files, more information can be found at Slik Safe.

Read more at:

  1. 16 Apps That Use End to End Encryption

  2. 15 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online

  3. Data Tampering: What You Need To Know About It and How To Prevent It

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